


根据州法律,校董会有权提供财政援助 学生项目,利用州和联邦基金授予和接收 gifts for the purpose of providing such assistance. Normally, funds received are conditioned by regulation or stipulation from the agency or individual providing the funds. (RCW 28B.10.280; RCW 28B.10.800-824; RCW 28B.50.140; RCW 28B.50.520).

Adopted by the board of trustees: 7/12/00
政策 contact: 学生服务

Related policies and procedures


学院通过奖学金、贷款、助学金和就业等方式提供经济援助. 除了一些奖学金外,几乎所有的援助都是基于证明的需要 是否择优录取. 学生 with demonstrated need are considered for all forms of available assistance with priority given to those with highest need. 所有 学生负责自己的学费,购买自己的书籍和用品 直到资金到位. Most 程序s listed below require proof of need. 奖学金, described in the next section, often do not require proof of financial need.

A. 申请程序

在即将到来的学术课程中被视为“准时”的经济援助申请人 每年,学生必须在WVC的经济援助文件中提供以下信息 办公室:

  1. FAFSA在3月1日之前盖上邮戳,或者在网上完成FAFSA并邮寄签名 3月1日.
  2. Application for admission to 加拿大28山谷学院 by May 15.
  3. By May 15, any follow-up information the 财政援助办公室 has requested.

B. 资格

To be eligible for federal and state-funded 程序s, you must:

  1. 成为美国公民.S. 或者是合格的非公民.
  2. 证明“经济需要”的援助,由免费应用程序确定 for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA) and by 加拿大28山谷学院.
  3. 不欠以前的资助退款或在帕金斯或斯塔福德贷款违约.
  4. Enroll for at least six credits (unless receiving Pell Grant only).
  5. 展示一个令人满意的学术进步的历史,必须保持,同时 receiving assistance at 加拿大28山谷学院. Refer to the current WVC financial aid brochure, “Satisfactory Progress Requirements.”
  6. Have a high school diploma, GED certificate or equivalent.
  7. 没有学士学位(除非想获得WVC提供的额外学位),然后 eligibility will be for student loans only.

C. 援助

加拿大28山谷学院提供的经济援助项目包括联邦助学金 佩尔助学金*,联邦补充教育机会补助金*,华盛顿州 需要补助金,联邦和州勤工俭学计划*,加拿大28山谷大学学费 and Fee Waivers, and 加拿大28山谷学院 Need Grants. 颁发补助金,除非 the Pell Grant, is also based on funds available. An additional application is required for Federal 工作人员ord Loans* and Federal Plus Loans*.

*Information about these 程序s is available in the U.S. 教育部 学生指南可在全国各地的经济援助办公室或在www上获得.ed.gov/prog-info/sfa/studentguide.

D. 华盛顿州需要拨款

华盛顿州为贫困的华盛顿州本科生提供助学金 有关高等教育统筹委员会制定的资格指引. 申请经济援助的学生不需要填写特别的申请 将以先到先得的方式自动考虑该计划 基础.

E. 州学费减免

These are only valid if tuition is not paid by any other agency.


这些助学金可以颁发给“准时”入学的至少一半的居民申请人 time.

G. 勤工俭学

勤工俭学奖学金以先到先得的方式发放给有需要的学生 earned only when the student works. College officials assist students in locating employment both on and off campus. However, a work-study award is not a guarantee 的就业. 加拿大28山谷学院 participates in the America Reads 程序 因此,作为勤工俭学的一部分,学生们可以帮助孩子或家庭学习阅读 程序. 额外的信息 is available in the WVC Work-Study brochure.

H. 紧急短期贷款

一些私人捐助者提供资金,提供无息贷款,并收取服务费 应付突发事件. Short-term loans, usually for a maximum of $200.00, must be repaid within the quarter. Loans are usually available to students who have completed at least one quarter satisfactorily. Applications are available at the WVC 财政援助办公室.


这笔资金可用于学费和书籍的各种信贷和继续 education classes that improve work skills. This 程序 is supported and funded through caseload savings from the implementation of welfare reform in Washington; the WorkFirst 程序. To qualify for this assistance students must 1) be currently working, 2) 有受抚养的子女,没有接受其他经济资助上大学, and 4) meet certain financial guidelines.

J. WVC奖学金

Amounts vary up to full tuition. Applicants must be legal residents of the United 州. Graduates of Chelan, Douglas or Okanogan county high schools or permanent residents of these counties for the previous two years receive priority. 学生 不需要申请特定的奖学金,因为评选委员会将匹配申请人 with scholarship selection criteria. 奖学金 are awarded for one academic year; therefore, students must re-apply each year. Generally scholarship recipients must complete a minimum of 12 credits at a 2.0 GPA each quarter to maintain eligibility 在学年期间. Selection of the recipients is made by the Scholarship and 金融援助 Committee, which is comprised of faculty and WVC staff. 额外的信息 is available in the WVC Scholarship brochure. The athletic department awards athletic 奖励给参加WVC校际运动队的学生. 有关体育奖学金的查询应直接向体育主任咨询 or head coach of the individual sport.

K. 育儿补助

为向学生提供有限的托儿服务而收到的国家资金 will be implemented through modest childcare grants.

  1. 奖学金将颁发给通过填写 Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  
  2. 为了有资格获得儿童保育补助金,学生必须保持令人满意的学业成绩 progress. Grade rosters will be examined to verify student progress.
  3. 要考虑获得儿童保育补助金,学生必须提交经济援助申请 一份准确、完整的儿童保育费用验证表和收据 day care payments made during the previous academic quarter.
  4. 助学金的发放金额将与符合资格的学生所花费的金额相匹配 儿童保育,不超过$200,前提是补助金不超过儿童的总数 care costs for the academic quarter and was not funded by an outside agency.
  5. 儿童保育补助金将以先到先得的方式发放给学生 and as long as funds are available.
  6. 为了有资格获得这笔资助,学生的托儿服务提供者必须 通过华盛顿州社会和卫生服务部获得执照. The 财政援助办公室 will verify the licensure.

L. 退伍军人

退伍军人在WVC寻求他们的教育福利应联系退伍军人协调员. 退伍军人负责为他们的班级提供退伍军人协调员 每季度时间表. Any schedule changes during the quarter must also be reported in order to prevent overpayment of benefits.

  1. 加拿大28山谷学院为有资格的学生提供经批准的学习课程 根据蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®-现役(第30章),蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®的福利 -精选预备役(第1606章)、职业康复(第31章)、退伍军人 教育援助计划(VEAP -第32章),教育援助测试计划 (第901条),以及幸存者和家属教育援助计划(第901章) 35).
  2. 退伍军人 may be able to receive credit for their military experience. 给予信用 only for experiences which have equivalent courses taught at WVC; the amount of credit cannot exceed the amount that could be earned by taking the courses at WVC. 至少 15 credits must be earned at WVC before military credit is awarded. 收取费用 for each military credit added to the veteran’s WVC transcript. 加拿大28山谷学院 遵循美国教育委员会(ACE)的教育评估指南 在军队服役的经历.
  3. 合资格人士可透过学院的 财政援助办公室. Application forms and veteran advising as well as other information and services are available on both 加拿大28 and Omak校园es.


GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人 Affairs (VA). 有关VA提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问官方网站 U.S. government website at http://benefits.va.gov / gibill.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/23/05
Presented to the board of trustees: 9/21/05
过程 contact: 学生服务

Related policies and procedures