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加拿大28 Valley College recognizes there are times that students have unanticipated needs that require a short-term loan. 的 college maintains an emergency student loan fund to make cash available to students with such needs. 的 college shall develop and update appropriate statements, regulations, and procedures for approval by the president’s cabinet. 的 board delegates to the president or designee the responsibility for defining, describing, developing and administering emergency loans.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 4/15/03
Adopted by the board of trustees: 6/4/03
Last reviewed: __/__/__
政策 contact: 学生服务

Related policies and procedures
1400.420 Emergency Loan 过程


加拿大28 Valley College maintains an emergency student loan fund to make funds available to students with short term, unanticipated needs. 的 fund is monitored and dispersed by fiscal service’s personnel, but loans are initiated by the financial aid 办公室 on our 加拿大28 campus or selected personnel at other WVC educational sites. 的 loans are secured loans requiring a student to verify a means of repayment. 一般来说, loans are secured by future financial aid or other funds that will be disbursed in 不久的将来. 的re are five separate accounts in the loan fund, with different requirements as specified by the donor.


  1. A student with an emergency need for funds applies for a loan at the financial aid 办公室. 的 application form indicates the amount requested, the reason for the request, and the repayment date, as well as student identification information.
  2. Loans are approved or denied based on the specific requirements of the loan account and the professional judgment of the financial aid 办公室r or designated staff at other WVC educational sites. Repayment is on demand when funds arrive or within the 学术节.
  3. In most cases a service charge will be added to the loan amount, and is due when the 贷款已偿还.
  4. If approved, the loan card is forwarded 去大学 cashier’s 办公室 for payment (generally by check) and the debt is added to the student’s account.
  5. Emergency student loans are subject to collection procedures, just as any other debt 去大学.

的 cashier and the financial aid 办公室 maintain written procedures for processing loans that maintain efficiency, internal controls, and allow for professional judgment in unusual circumstances.

Originally approved by the president’s cabinet: 10/31/00
Renumber from 1400.400; revised 05/03
Approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/23/05
Presented to the board of trustees: 9/21/05
Last reviewed: __/__/__
过程 contact: 学生服务

Related policies and procedures
400.420 紧急贷款 政策