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Campus 安全 Cameras


Surveillance cameras on 加拿大28 Valley College campuses will be operated to protect individuals and property, and respect individual privacy.

The following outlines how the college may employ security cameras. These uses do not apply to legitimate academic use of video cameras for instructional or research 目的.

  1. 内阁 will approve all proposed camera placements for appropriateness and effectiveness.
  2. 安全 cameras will be in plain view. Areas being recorded will be marked with appropriate 迹象. Images will be stored for 30 days and then deleted. Copies may be made if needed for official investigations.
  3. Cameras will not be used to observe any private areas or employee work areas without prior notification of employees, with the exception of public safety or criminal activity investigations.
  4. Recorded images may be viewed by the district security officer, the chief administrative officer, and individuals authorized by the college president. Images may be shared with law enforcement agencies if requested.
  5. 安全 cameras are to be used for official business only. Any other use is strictly 被禁止的. Any person using security cameras for any illegal or prohibited purpose may be subject to disciplinary or legal actions.

Inquiries about the use of security cameras should be directed to the vice president of administrative services.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 11/04/14
Presented to the board of trustees: 11/19/14
Last reviewed: __/__/__
过程 contact: Administrative 服务

Related policies and procedures
None identified at this time