
Workplace Civility & Respect


加拿大28谷学院的政策是改善工作环境 是否人道、公平、有尊严、文明、尊重和非歧视. The college will not tolerate any disorderly, abusive, or indecent conduct in the workplace that 创造、鼓励或允许冒犯、恐吓或不适当的工作 环境或危及他人安全、健康或幸福的环境.

The college values professionalism among its employees and students in carrying out 学院的使命. 专业精神包括表现卓越、诚信、 respect, compassion and accountability in all our work interactions and responsibilities.

All employees, volunteers or others representing the college are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner that promotes a safe, healthful and productive work environment. 员工被期望履行工作职责,坚持 在工作场所的个人行为方面,表现出高度的原则性 在工作中始终保持个人诚信、道德和专业精神. Employees are expected to be courteous, respectful, and helpful to students, vendors, customers, 访客和其他员工的工作安排. 员工要支持 the mission and values of Wenatchee Valley College and perform their assigned duties 以一种值得公众信任的方式承担责任.


  1. 问责是指对自己的行为和活动负责.
  2. Discrimination and harassment means discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, parental status or families with children, marital status, sex (gender), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, genetic information, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or any other prohibited basis per RCW 49.60.030、040等联邦法律法规,或参与 在投诉过程中.
  3. Disrespectful, retaliatory, or disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to behaviors which a reasonable person would find embarrassing, offensive or humiliating, such as:
    1. 大喊大叫或使用亵渎、不尊重或其他冒犯性语言.
    2. 讽刺:带有明显羞辱意图的讽刺.
    3. 傲慢或居高临下的行为或评论.
    4. Insubordination.
    5. Retaliatory actions. (e.g., sabotage)
    6. Use of email, behaviors or comments that publicly offend, degrade or humiliate members 大学社区的成员.
    7. 贬低或贬低的评论.
    8. 身体攻击或其他未经邀请或不适当的身体接触.
    9. Threats or similar intimidating behavior, as reasonably perceived by the recipient.
    10. Obstruction of established operational goals, beyond what would be considered respectful dissent.
  4. 有道德的商业行为意味着明智地使用资源和实践 compliant with and appropriate under laws and regulations governing conflicts of interest, 赞助的研究,资助和信托责任.
  5. Excellence represents a dedication to the continuous improvement of the quality of 教学效果. 追求卓越要有诚信相伴, empathy, compassion, and respect for the diversity of values and opinions of others.
  6. Hostile work environment is created by a supervisor or coworker whose actions, communication 或者行为让你无法完成工作. 骚扰通常是故意的, severe, recurring and pervasive, and interfere with an employee's ability to perform 他或她的工作,无论是受害者还是证人. 另外,在…之下是非法的 the laws in the eyes of the courts, a hostile work environment typically must be caused by discriminatory workplace harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, disability, genetics, age or sex; or it must be caused by retaliation in violation 反歧视法.
  7. Professionalism in education includes, but is not limited to a commitment to the highest standards of scholarship, innovation in teaching methods, respect for the student-teacher 通过终身学习的模式建立关系和领导力.
  8. Professionalism in the conduct of research includes, but is not limited to a commitment to intellectual integrity, welfare of human subjects and research animals, diligent and unbiased acquisition, evaluation, and reporting of scientific information, adherence to college research regulations, and collegial and fair treatment of research staff at all levels.
  9. Unprofessional behavior means behavior that: Violates laws or rules regarding discrimination and harassment; violates rules of professional ethics, including professionalism in educational, research or business practices; or is disrespectful, retaliatory or disruptive.


For employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, college managers and supervisors are expected to apply this policy in a manner consistent with the principles of just 原因,以及任何其他适用的劳动协议的要求.

Workplace civility and respect requires that issues be addressed by a process that 是否公平,是否真正希望解决冲突而不进行不必要的拖延. The best resolution occurs when the parties work out agreements privately among themselves. When attempting to resolve conflicts, be aware of the different perspectives and communication 其他人可能有的风格. 但是,如果需要协助,任何一方都可以 bring the issue to their supervisor, human resources or the next higher individual 如果涉及到主管的权限.

The human resources department can provide individuals with advice and strategies to attempt to resolve these issues at the most informal levels between or among employees 和他们的主管.

Supervisor responsibility: Supervisors are expected to demonstrate leadership in exhibiting 提倡专业、文明和尊重. 这包括设定明确的期望 and managing performance of those they supervise in accordance with these standards 通过定期沟通和及时的绩效考核. 这也包括尊重 diversity of opinion and not retaliating against subordinates as a consequence of 他们提出恭敬而不同的观点. 最后,主管应该 address professionalism, civility and respect concerns and deficiencies through counseling, discipline or other action as appropriate in accordance with policies and procedures of the college.

If an employee’s inappropriate behaviors persist, college employees should initiate complaints formally (in writing) or informally with the appropriate administrator 员工所在工作单位的. 对同事的抱怨应该提交给上司 员工的直接主管. 对经理或主管的投诉应该是合理的 呈交给该员工所在运营部门的副总裁.

Copies of any written complaints and response shall be sent to the executive director of human resources. 投诉通常会导致调查或询问.


000.300 调查和言论自由政策
000.330 歧视和歧视性骚扰政策
000.340 性骚扰/第九条政策
500.090 Workplace Civility & Respect Policy
500.100 员工行为准则
500.115 道德操守/利益冲突政策
500.125 平等机会/平权行动政策
500.450 工作场所暴力政策
1000.330 歧视和歧视性骚扰程序
1000.340 性骚扰/第九条程序
1400.100 学生权利和自由程序